
Cadet Thomas Post sworn in with MHFD

Congratulations to  Cadet Firefighter Thomas Post, who was sworn in earlier this week with the MHFD.    Prior to joining the MHFD, Post worked for the Dayton Fire Department, City of Oakwood FD, and the Macedonia Fire Department.     Congratulations Cadet Post and welcome to Maple Heights!

2023-01-26T13:52:52-05:00January 26th, 2023|Fire, News|

MHFD holds Swearing-In Ceremony

The MHFD held a swearing-in ceremony yesterday at City Hall.   Congratulations to Captain Jim Ferris and Lieutenant Tony Selar.   (Pictured Left to Right...Captain Dan Sypen, Fire Chief Vito Kavaliunas, Mayor Annette Blackwell, Captain Jim Ferris and Lieutenant Tony Selar)  

2022-11-15T16:48:31-05:00November 15th, 2022|Fire, News, Uncategorized|

The City Welcomes Two New Firefighters

Today, the City welcomed two new Firefighters to its' ranks.  James Bittel and Chad Duff each bring years of experience to their new positions in the Fire Department.  Welcome, gentlemen!     L to R: Chief Vito Kavaliunas, FF James Bittel, FF Chad Duff, Mayor Annette Blackwell.

2022-09-08T16:36:00-04:00September 8th, 2022|Fire, News|

Maple Heights Fire Department/EMS awarded 2022-23 EMS State of Ohio Division of EMS Grant

The Maple Heights Fire Department/EMS has been awarded 2022-23 EMS State of Ohio Division of EMS Grant.   The Maple Heights Fire Department/EMS received $661.23 from the State of Ohio Department of Public Safety, Ohio Division of EMS for the 2022-23 Award Year. This Grant will be used for EMS training and equipment.  Congratulations to

2022-08-18T17:51:50-04:00August 18th, 2022|Fire, News|

City Awarded Grant for New Emergency Response Radios

Governor Mike DeWine announced the 2022 MARCS (Multi-Agency Radio Communications Systems) Grant awards, which included $2,900 for the City of Maple Heights. The MARCS radio system allows first responders to seamlessly communicate, not only with each other, but with other agencies responding to an incident. MARCS radio system technology is advanced and the costs to

2022-01-27T08:01:23-05:00January 27th, 2022|Fire, News|
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