General Information

Stafford Park is the home for Maple Heights High School and Middle School softball and baseball games, and hosts close to 40 games each spring. This is a mutual partnership between the schools and the city as the entire park and ballfields is actually city property.

Stafford Park has 3 pavilions, with electricity, picnic tables, trash cans and nearby running water available.

Pavilion Information

Pavilion rentals for 2025 will begin on Tuesday, April 1, 2025. Pavilion rentals are only available for Maple Heights residents.

To reserve a pavilion, a $150 deposit is required – $25 is refunded at the end of the event once grounds are inspected and found to be in good order. Before completing an online request for a pavilion rental, please review the Pavilion Rules and Regulations found HERE.

Call 587-5481 CLICK HERE for online request

Completing this online request DOES NOT reserve a pavilion. Residents: Please note, sending an email request DOES NOT guarantee a Pavilion Permit. Residents MUST confirm availability with a Department of Human Services employee to finalize their request.

The Stafford Park Spray Ground can be used at no additional cost, if open at the time of your event.

Stafford Park Ash Tree Information

Stafford Park is the city’s largest park, encompassing over 35 acres.  The park is populated with native oak, birch, poplar, maple and many other trees, but the ash trees are succumbing to the Emerald Ash Borer, which has also infested most of the ash trees throughout Ohio.  The Adult Softball program donated several replacement maple trees the past several years in an effort to replace the loss of the native shade trees in the park..  Unfortunately, it is expected that a number of ash trees will continue to be lost in both Stafford and Dunham Parks in the years ahead.

Gazebo Restoration

The Stafford Park “Fireman’s Gazebo” was restored in November, 2015 with the grateful assistance and donations from Home Depot.    A new roof, shingles, walkway and landscaping brickwork was installed around the flagpoles and gazebo area – and the city would like to thank the many volunteers from Home Depot for the assistance with this project.  Read more here.
