The City of Maple Heights has several boards, commissions, and committees that help the City advise the Administration and Council, review and recommend changes to City policy and legislation, and make determinations. Below is a brief summary of each of the existing Boards and Commissions. More information about each can be found by navigating to the board or commission of interest using the menu on the left hand side of this page.
Architectural Review Board
Serves as an advisory board to the Planning and Zoning Commission, reviewing commercial projects with a total project cost of more than $500,000 and other projects the Commission believes need to be reviewed. The Board reviews and makes recommendations on the design, site location, and materials used to construct a structure. The Board meets as needed.
The Audit Committee is charged with providing an independent review and oversight of the City’s financial reporting processes, internal controls, while overseeing the comments of the Independent Auditor. The Audit Committee meets at a minimum once per quarter, or as needed.
Charter Review Commission
Reviews the City Charter every five (5) years and makes recommendations to City Council for changes to the Charter.
Civil Service Commission
Prescribes, amends, and enforces rules for the classification of positions in the civil service of the City of Maple Heights. The Commission prepares and administers examinations for civil service employees for the advancement of City services and the development of competent personnel to perform those services.
CRA Housing Council
Conducts annual inspections of properties within the Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) in the City of Maple Heights which have been granted exemptions. Additionally, the Housing Council hears appeals from property owners whose CRA applications have been denied or tax exemptions revoked by the Housing Officer.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Reviews and initiates proposed changes to the City’s Zoning Code and Zoning Map, considers requests for Conditional Use Permits, variances, lot split and lot consolidation plats, and improvements to publicly-owned land. The Commission meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:30p.
Records Commission
Establishes and reviews rules for retention and disposal of records of the City. The Commission also reviews records disposal lists submitted by City Departments.