(216) 587-5481
Jaimie Hasenohrl, Director
[email protected]
The Maple Heights Senior Center provides a variety of social, educational, recreational services and programs to meet the wide ranging needs of older adults in the Maple Heights area. The Maple Heights Senior Center is located at 15901 Libby Road (between Lee and Broadway), and is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Our phone number for general information is 216-587-5481 or email us
* A nutritionally balanced lunch is available Monday through Friday at noon at the Senior Center for older adults 60+ years of age. Meal reservations are taken Monday and Tuesday, one week in advance, by calling 587-0015.
* Van service is available for older adults 60+ years of age for transportation to the Senior Center, doctor appointments, prescription pick-ups, grocery shopping, banking, dialysis and therapy, and other destinations to encourage an independent life style. Reservations must be made one week in advance. Please call 587-5472.
* Homebound older adults needing information and/or assistance may request an outreach visit by calling 587-5481.
* Other services include, but are not limited to, daily telephone reassurance calls, volunteer opportunities, health maintenance screenings, Legal Aid, Medicare assistance and assistance with filling out applications for Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), Homestead, AARP Income Tax, Golden Buckeye, etc. For more information, please call 587-5481.
* A monthly newsletter is published around the first of each month, and is available at the Senior Center, online, and is delivered to homebound seniors receiving meals from our dedicated volunteers and staff.
Information & Assistance
- AARP Income Tax
- C.A.R.E. Website Link
- COVID-19 Information
- Community Centers Available for Rent (Non-City)
- Cuyahoga County Homestead Exemption
- Easy Pay Program (Property Tax)
- Facebook Page – Senior Center
- First Energy Customer Assistance
- “Golden Buckeye” Card
- Home Energy Assistance
- Medicare
- Ohio Department of Aging
- Ohio Shared Living Information
- Winter Weather Information
- Western Reserve Area on Aging