City Council

Council Ceremonial Swearing-In Cancelled

City Council's Ceremonial Swearing-In has been cancelled due to the rise in positive COVID-19 cases. The Council Meeting Swearing-In will take place on our normal meeting night, January 5, 2022 at our normal meeting location, Maple Heights Senior Center, at 7pm. No legislation or other items will be on the agenda and no refreshments will

2021-12-30T12:38:00-05:00December 30th, 2021|City Council, News|

Community Coat Drive

Councilpersons Dana Anderson and Richard Trojanski and Castle High School are hosting a coat drive on December 11, 2021 between 10:00a and 12:00p. See the Coat Drive flyer for more information.

2021-11-29T09:35:39-05:00November 29th, 2021|City Council, News|

Community Coat Drive

Councilpersons Dana Anderson and Richard Trojanski and Castle High School are hosting a coat drive on November 20, 2021 between 10:00a and 12:00p. See the Coat Drive flyer for more information.

2021-11-01T12:41:06-04:00November 1st, 2021|City Council, News|
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