Goal Objective Department Responsible Status
1. Deliver Excellent City Services to Residents Efficiently and Equitably
A. Restructure departments to recruit and retain top talent Mayor’s Office
B. Expand the responsibilities of the Departments of Human Services and Economic Development, Building, and Housing Mayor’s Office
C. Establish and staff a Division of Youth Services, providing youth
programs and coordination with the Maple Heights School District
Mayor’s Office
2. Ensure the City Government is Proactive and Responsive
A. Establish the Exterior Maintenance Grant Program to assist homeowners with larger home repairs, such as roofs, driveways, and windows Building
B. Improve community health through access to parks and amenities City Engineer, Service, and Economic Development
C. Expand access to broadband internet to support lifelong learning and career readiness
Mayor’s Office, City Engineer, and Economic Development
3. Maintaining a Financially Stable Government
A. Continue to seek grants and outside funding to support City projects All Departments
B. Reduce the City’s overdue and delinquent property tax balance by at least 5% Economic Development
C. Commit to strategic financial planning for continued success Finance