July 5, 2023 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Maple Heights Senior Center
15901 Libby Rd
Maple Heights, OH 44137

Older adult abuse and exploitation refers to any intentional act(s) by a caregiver or another person in a relationship of trust that causes harm or distress to older adults , age  60 and older. Older adult financial fraud in a dorm of older adult exploitation where a person misuses or steal financial assets, savings, income, or personal identifying information (e.g., SNN) for an older adult, often without direct knowledge or consent. Fraudsters often use deception and misinformation on older adults, and in the past have posed as persons in position or trust, romantic interests, or as persons promising a financial windfall in exchange for a credit card number or other personally identifiable information.

FBI Special Agents Milan Kosanovich & Ricky Olasz will be coming to the

Maple Heights Senior Center

15901 Libby Road

Maple Heights, OH 44137

on Wednesday, July 5th at 10:30 AM for a special presentation to help you recognize the signs of Older Adult Financial Exploitation and to help you navigate ways to protect yourself.

This event is open to the public – Registration is not required


