Please read the following information or check the various links. The Maple Heights Service department handles many tasks throughout the city, ranging from snow removal to street repairs, as well as various recycling events in partnership with the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District during the year. This page also provides links for house sanitary sewers issues, animal warden, snow removal permit and ordinances, pothole repair, and road, tree and trash collection information.
**Please note, Waste Management has provided updated trash and recycling information in this brochure for 2025.**

*NEW TRASH LIMITS* Waste Management has a strict limit of only 2 extra items outside of your regular trash cart- i.e. 2 extra bags, 2 extra trash cans, 2 large bulky items- or any combination there-of. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Contact Us

Tony Ciresi
Director of Service
[email protected]
(216) 587-9014

April Ulee
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
(216) 587-9014

Maple Heights City Hall, 2nd Floor

5353 Lee Road
Maple Heights, Ohio 44137

For Service Department requests please email: [email protected]

Monday – Friday

8:30a – 5:00p

Service Garage
5501 Dunham Road
Maple Heights, Ohio 44137