Ohio Law states that it is a crime to knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to a family or household member. Recklessly cause serious physical harm to a family or household member. By threat of force knowingly cause a family or household member to believe that the offender will cause imminent physical harm to the family or household member. (ORC 2919.25)
“Family or household member” means any of the following:
Any of the following who is residing or has resided with the offender: A spouse, a person living as a spouse, or a former spouse of the offender; A parent, a foster parent, or a child of the offender, or another person related by consanguinity or affinity to the offender; A parent or a child of a spouse, person living as a spouse, or former spouse of the offender, or another person related by consanguinity or affinity to a spouse, person living as a spouse, or former spouse of the offender. The natural parent of any child of whom the offender is the other natural parent or is the putative other natural parent. “Person living as a spouse” means a person who is living or has lived with the offender in a common law marital relationship, who otherwise is cohabiting with the offender, or who otherwise has cohabited with the offender within five years prior to the date of the alleged commission of the act in question.
When Domestic Violence Occurs in The City of Maple Heights
You have the right to contact the police, request the offender be arrested and sign a motion for a Temporary Protection Order (TPO. A TPO can require the offender to vacate your residence and have no contact with you while the case is pending. In addition, the police can make the decision to arrest the offender based on statements and other evidence. Once the offender has been charged and arrested, they will remain in jail until the complaint is filed in the Garfield Heights Municipal Court and the Judge has a hearing to make a decision about bond and the TPO. You have the right to attend all hearings; including the initial hearing, and to have a victim advocate present.
When you contact the police and an arrest does not take place, the police may refer the complainant to the prosecutor’s office for a decision. The prosecutor represents the City of Maple Heights in criminal cases. The prosecutor may require you, as a witness, to testify in court. You cannot decide to drop the charge or TPO; only the prosecutor and Judge can make that decision.
Even when criminal domestic violence charges are not being issued you have the right to request a Civil Protection Order (CPO) in Domestic Relations Court. The order can require the offender move out of the house and not to have contact with you for five years. An attorney is not required, but may be helpful in obtaining a CPO. A victim advocate is not an attorney, but can help you explore your options.
What if my spouse or someone from my household hurts me or tries to hurt me?
Find a safe place and contact the police department. You can seek a Protection Order by way of a criminal prosecution in a municipal court, or a Civil Protection Order in Cuyahoga County Court. Forms to request a Civil Protection Order are available at http://domestic.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/domestic-violence-faqs.aspx. Refer to Domestic Violence Forms. It is not required that you have an attorney to request a protection order. Court personnel cannot provide legal advice but will answer questions about procedure.
To learn how you can request a police escort to your home to retrieve personal belongings, please visit our Police Escorts page.
Who Can I Call for Help?
These organizations have people who can help you through the process of petitioning the Court for a Domestic Violence Protection Order:
Cuyahoga County Witness/Victim Service Center: (216) 443-7345
Domestic Violence Helpline: (216) 391-4357
Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center 24/7 Helpline: (216) 391-4357
Catholic Charities: (440) 843-5501
Jewish Family Service Association (216) 292-3999
The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland (216) 687-1900
The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (216) 696-3525
Domestic Relations Court Domestic Violence Coordinator (216) 698-8529
Important Phone Numbers
Maple Heights Police (216) 662-1234 or 911
Maple Hts. Prosecutor (216) 662-6000
Garfield Hts. Court (216) 475-1900
Child Abuse Hotline (216) 696-KIDS
Elder Abuse Hotline (216) 420-6700
Rape Crisis Center (216) 619-6192
Mental Health Emergency (216) 623-6888
First Call for Help (216) 436-2000 or 211
Children Who Witness Violence (216) 361-8640
Legal Aid (216) 687-1900
DV Advocate for GHMC, support and escort to court hearings (216) 229-2420 ext. 254
Safe Landings Shelter for runaway teenagers: Females (330)784-7200 Males (330) 253-7632
National Sexual Assault Hotline 1 (800) 656-4673
Witness Victim Service Center, for help with felony cases in Common Pleas Court (216) 443-7345
Civil Domestic Violence Civil Protection Order (CPO) (ORC 3113.31)
A CPO gives a household member immediate protection from a household member who has committed an act or acts of domestic violence and has placed other household members in danger of domestic violence
Victims need to file form 10.01-D Petition for domestic violence civil protection order (CPO)
Domestic Relations Court
Cuyahoga County Courthouse
One W. Lakeside Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44113
(216) 443-8800
Civil Stalking or Sexually Orientated Offense Protection Order (SSOOPO) (ORC 2903.214).
Where victims can file for civil protection orders
When someone is being harassed by a NON-family or household member, direct them to get a SSOOPO. The SSOOPO is specifically designed to protect victims from stalking by non-family or household members.
Victims need to file form 10-03-G with:
General Division
Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
Clerk of Courts
1st floor of the Justice Center
1200 Ontario St.
Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1678
(216) 443-8560