Thank you. With the official end to this year’s Beautiful Yard Recognition Program, we are sharing some of the amazing yards from this year’s program. Thank you for messaging the Mayor, submitting neighbors’ addresses, and taking pride in your homes. We know maintaining your yards, your homes take effort; and Mayor Blackwell appreciates all of your hard work.
As you can see from these photos, the homes which received a sign for a beautiful yard are all very unique in their own special way. Hanging baskets, flowers, perennial plantings, fountains, and wind chimes; yards which are cared for reflect each individual homeowners’ preference and style; and we are so grateful for the care and consideration you have taken in tending your yards.
Interested in receiving an award/nominating a neighbor for next year? Send The Mayor an email with the subject line, Beautiful Yard Recognition Program, and be added to the list.
Because we have a limited number of signs, if you were recognized last Summer (2021), or this Summer (2022); we kindly ask that you nominate your neighbors and friends who have not yet received a yard sign.
We also realize that not everyone is comfortable with having a yard sign placed, and we respect that too. If you receive a sign, and wish for it not to be displayed, please feel free to return them to our Service Garage, Dunham Road; or contact City Hall and we will pick them up.
Please email Mayor Blackwell at [email protected] and let her know which yards she should recognize next Summer. Thank you for doing your part to keep The City of Maple Heights beautiful. We can’t wait to see what beautiful yards there are in 2023!